Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mentha/Mint, from Greek "μίνθα" - mintha

Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Mentha

Info.: Mint is a refreshing herb which has been used both for culinary and medicinal purposes. It's name derives from the nymph Menthe who was turned into a plant by the goddess Persephone when she found out that Pluto was in love with her.

Fun fact: Mint is a vermin deterrent; it's disliked by mice and rats.

Food ideas:

Mint Sauce: is used in a variety of cuisines including Middle Eastern, British and American.

Ingredients: Handful of fresh Mint, 1/2 a cup of Vinegar and a tbsp. of Sugar.
Method: Wash the mint under running water and remove the leaves from the stem. Mix the three
ingredients in a blender and serve with roasted Lamb.
Troubleshoot: If the blender isn't working you'd just need to add a bit more Vinegar. Whilst if the vinegar is too empowering for your liking, just add a bit more sugar.

Hobz biz-zejt: Meaning 'Bread with Oil' in English, is a traditional Maltese snack, which is both tasty and filling for a lunch break.

Ingredients: Traditional Maltese bread (Sour dough bread), Kunserva (concentrated Tomato paste), Tuna (canned), Mint leaves, Fresh Olive oil and Rock Salt.

Method: Cut two slices of bread or divide the Ftira in two. Spread the concentrated Tomato paste on both sides of the bread. Place the Tuna on top and place the washed Mint leaves. Add a pinch of Rock Salt and some freshly ground Pepper corns and drizzle with Olive oil. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Aunty Anna's Cake

Cooking time: 40min
Oven Temperature: 180-200 degrees celsius

300gr Flour
300gr Sugar
3 Eggs
1 cup Oil
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 cup Water
1 grated Lemon Rind
1 tsp. Vanilla Essence
3 tsp. Baking Powder

  1. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees celsius.
  2. Beat the eggs and sugar.
  3. Add Oil, Water, Milk, Vanilla Essence and grated Lemon rind.
  4. Finally mix in the Flour and Baking Powder.
  5. Butter/Oil an oven tin of approximately 20-30cm and sprinkle with flour.
  6. Pour the mix into the tin and bake in the preheated oven.
  • Marbling: Save 1/3 of the mixture before pouring it into the tin and mix it with 2-3tbsp. Cocoa powder. Pour it over the plain mixture and with the help of a knife twist and twirl the chocolate to create a marbled effect once it's ready,cut and served.
  • Chocolate cake: Melt a bar of chocolate on a baine marie let it cool down slightly and add it to the rest of the cake mixture.
  • Merry Berry Cake: Dice some lovely dried red/blueberries, cherries, black currants or whatever tickles your fancy and throw them in the mixture for some colour contrast!
  • Leave it plain, it tastes great anyhow.
  • Melt some chocolate and pour it on top.
  • Whipped fresh cream beaten with a mixer.
  • Freshly chopped fruit, but make sure to apply a base of jam or chocolate on the top of the cake to prevent it from getting soggy.
Healthier options:
  •  You can reduce the amount of sugar to 100gr.